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Improve your waste management in 2024

A new year is a fresh start for many, and lots of us will start the new year with a resolution for change. We recommend encouraging consumers and residents to improve their waste management strategies because it is easily achievable with a few small alterations to current procedures and could a make big difference. Here are a few ways everyone can improve their waste management in 2024.

Choosing the right bag & bin

The first step to good recycling and waste management is understanding the waste produced. Alternate types of waste are treated very differently, and some materials like clinical/medical waste require specialist treatment. Understanding how it must be handled will help inform on how best to segregate the waste. People often resort to the general waste bin when they are unsure if an item can be recycled, but this is leading to a missed opportunity when simple research can help consumers choose the best bin. Contamination can also occur in the recycling bins, with mixed material products not being correctly separated into the bins – this task takes just seconds to do, and makes a huge difference to the success of recycling!

When handling specialist waste, a specific bag is often required which indicates the appropriate end-of-life treatment requirement, which is vital for good waste management. Clinical waste in particular has a variety of coloured bags, each capturing a certain type of waste – typically these bags are orange, yellow and tiger-striped sacks, which handle infectious, contaminated and offensive waste respectively. A specialist bag is also required for Asbestos waste, typically found in construction environments, as it must be carefully and professionally handled. If your consumers have a type of waste that requires specific treatment for its end of life, chat to our team and we can find the best bag for them.

Kerbside Waste Collections made easy by Cromwell Polythene and our recyclable sacks - 01977 686868

2024 – Lets focus on waste management

Encourage consumers and residents to start the year as they mean to go on, by taking a greater focus on waste and recycling, utalising the resources available to us! Chat to our team for guidance on best practices and get a quote for waste sacks to help improve your waste management – whatever your needs, Cromwell are on hand to help!