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The Planet is a LitterLotto Winner

Cromwell’s mission is to help create a cleaner, greener, more resourceful planet, and there are multiple ways we try to achieve this. From the products we supply to the services we offer, we are always making conscious efforts to support a circular planet. Alonside helping to capture waste and recycling with our polythene sack products, we also tackle the waste management issues such as litter. Company litter picks are a regular activity at Cromwell, taking part in the GB Spring Clean and GB Beach Clean every year.

We were keen to kick 2023 off with a company clean-up, but this year decided to mix things up a little, courtesy of the LitterLotto® app. The LitterLotto® is a free mobile app that gives users the opportunity to win by picking up litter. The format is a straightforward one, use the app to take a picture of you disposing of your captured litter in a bin. Each time you submit your image, you will be put into an instant prize draw to win cash. The more snaps of collected litter you take, the more chances you have of winning – and there are also large jackpot prizes to be won.

Bin it to win it

That is LitterLotto’s tagline, and with the help of thousands of users, the app has already helped bin over 7,300,000 pieces of abandoned waste. Intrigued by the app, we want to join the cause too, and thus the Cromwell LitterLotto Competition began.

Instead of our usual company litter picks, we set our staff the goal to pick up as many pieces of litter as they could, during the month of February, by using the LitterLotto app. However, we had a twist – there was a prize for the employee who binned the most litter during the month. This gave our employees multiple chances of winning, through both the app and the in-house competition.

On February 1st, our internal litter count began. After 28 days of individual litter picks, the team picked 377 pieces of litter in total. This was found on our daily walks, whilst out with friends and family, and also on commutes to work. The person who picked up the most litter, and therefore won our litter picking competition was Cheryl Liddle – a true litter legend.

Cleaner streets – Cleaner planet

The LitterLotto competition was a great way for our staff to carry out clean-ups in their own time, full of healthy competition that contributes to a healthy planet. Even the smallest pieces picked up results in less litter cluttering our urban and rural areas. Litter picking is still a great way to help create a cleaner, greener planet – something everyone at Cromwell is happy to contribute towards.

Thinking about carrying out your own litter picks? View our range if litter-picking waste sacks today and download our free litter-picking guide, full of tips and advice for your clean-ups!